“Songs Outta My Head” is a collection of 12 songs written about life experienced in Rural America down in the Deep South. Where life experience is delineated with heartbreak, newfound love, death, moonshine and moonlight. Where summertime’s sweltering heat in the dog days can leave you begging for forgiveness and laden with journeys that require foot travel for long distances…for your sake and the public’s sake. Where your family can love you to death and drive you crazy. A life where legends of the past inspire the future. A life that acknowledges grace is required for us ALL to progress.
My music consists of life experiences….some of those experiences are my own…some are characters based on people in my travels or home community. Art is about taking our combined lived experiences and sharing them with the world. I think all of the songs on this album are all stories worth telling and worth your time to hear them. I hope my music, my art, is a bridge that connects otherwise strange bedfellows and I hope my art is a force for promoting positivity.
I would like to thank JR Hall for his partnership and leadership during the recording and editing and mastering of this album. He has become a driving force in bringing the sounds from inside my head into a place that I can share them with others. JR really helped take sketches/outlines /compositions to fully fleshed out works of art. From his mandolin-playing to accordion-playing to challenging me to stay in time/key, he has really helped me become a better musician over the past 9 months of working on this album.
I’d like to thank all the other musicians that worked on this album including my friend Andrew Clark(bass) for coming and laying down some sweet grooves/vibes. I’d also like to thank Steel/Dobro maestro Reggie Duncan and Fiddle Jessie M and all the other players involved for the high level of work that they put into this.
What are my music goals? Make sense from the sounds in my head. The things I wanna say, the things I have to say, and the things that just come from the ether. When they overlap, sometimes it’s harmonic, sometimes it's dissonance. It’s sorting and structuring and expounding and editing and editing and more editing. Polish the good and compost the rest. Rinse and repeat. That is all just my process to write the song.
My goal is to make my art/my music to my standard. I don’t think success is defined by views or likes or dollars. Sure, positive reinforcement is great, but some bird dogs are gonna point, even if nobody is watching or cares. I’ve been writing songs for well over 20 years and am going to continue regardless if my album has one listen or one billion. I am not expectant nor reticent, positive or negative. I know who I am, I am coooooooooooooool with that
Long story short, I do hope you give my album a listen. I hope you put it on while drinking coffee, or doing laundry or when meditating. I hope you crank it up while sunbathing on the beach or put it on your earbuds while mowing the grass. I hope you blast 'em while having a party with your community. I hope you enjoy it while watching a magnificent sunset with your loved one.
I hope you feel the positivity and good vibrations that music has provided me with over my life experience. It has been proven repeatedly in my life that music enhances everything. Good music can be the cherry on top when things are good, it can be a salve when you are broken, and a crutch when you need something to lean on.
Most of all, I hope my music makes your life better.
“Songs Outta My Head”
*Back in the Woods
*Fatal List
*Johnny and June
*Hot July Night
*Kitty in the Holler
*Slip Right In
*Song Of Home
And Yes, I am already writing songs for the next album
Love Everybody